
After the Failing of the BigBang Theories, Scientists are looking now into “Dark Matter”, “Dark Energy” and “Quantenfluktation etc. to finally begin speculating about multiple Universes. Great Stuff, perhaps they should consider that it is always the degree of Consciousness which interprets the Reality in which we are living. As the Perspectives evolve, so do our Universes (Realities).



When I am dissatisfied with my life,
I'll buy Books
and hope they will cure me.
They never do,
My Walls are covered with books.
Each one promising something,
but in the End
they just cover my walls.
 Politic is lacking all traits of sincerity and logic. Are we the servants of our Government? Schouldnt there be at least some symbiotic relation between a Government and the people that elect it? grumblegrumble.....
Seems to me, that in a so called democratic Governments you will find the greatest heap of alpha-Assholes. It just attracts them somehow.
Economist's know: The U.S. have racked up $16 trillion in debt with paranoid defense Budgets, Wars and Bailouts for Banks.
Taking on that much debt without being able to pay it back is simply stupid.
The creditors (China!) will come calling one day soon. And when they do, the U.S. won't be able to pay them back.
There will be an economic collapse of historical proportions or a World War 3